DryBar Hair and Favorites

It is no secret I love me some DryBar. Every time I am in a city that has one, I always book an appointment for the perfect blow out! They recently launched all their products they use in the salon for purchase, and it is pretty much the only products I use now. Here are my favorites and some cute photos below of me and my girls at a past DryBar.

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  1. Love this! Looks like so much fun!

    The Style Storm
    <3, Christina

  2. Amanda says:

    I still haven’t checked them out yet in Atlanta! I need to book one next time I have a girls night!

    XO Strawberry Chic

  3. Emily Helm says:

    I swearrrrrr by the mousse and the dry shampoo now! It helps that I am also obsessed with the smell too!! 🙂 Miss our drybar fun- we need to plan girl time again soon!!

  4. Ali says:

    I have been a DryBar loyalist for about two years now, and literally their Detox and Money Maker products have changed my hair game. They have the BEST dry shampoo out their and the flexible hold hairspray is unlike any other.


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